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Version: V2


The TokenInfo type provides additional summary information on token contract, its community, development team & reach.

type TokenInfo {
token: Token!
tokenLogo: URL!
twitter: URL!
homepage: URL!
etherscan_labels: [String!]
etherscan_token_contractnames: [String!]
etherscan_acccount_contractnames: [String!]
trustwallet_tags: [String!]
dune_category: String!
coingecko_categories: [String!]
blog: String!
medium: String!
github_organization: String!
github: String!
subreddit_url: String!
telegram_channel_url: String!
facebook_page: String!
discord: String!
total_supply: String!
description: String!
banner_image_url: String!
opensea_status: String!


token (Token)

tokenLogo (URL)

twitter (URL)

homepage (URL)

etherscan_labels (String)

etherscan_token_contractnames (String)

etherscan_acccount_contractnames (String)

trustwallet_tags (String)

dune_category (String)

coingecko_categories (String)

blog (String)

medium (String)

github_organization (String)

github (String)

subreddit_url (String)

telegram_channel_url (String)

facebook_page (String)

discord (String)

total_supply (String)

description (String)

opensea_status (String)

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