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Version: V1

Create a Connection


Install the CyberConnect JS SDK before starting this section.

Connect with User Wallet

Before helping users connect with each other, you need to make sure that their crypto wallets are connected to your application. Here, we'll use the MetaMask wallet as an example.

Connect Wallet GIF

  1. Implement function isMetaMaskInstalled to verify that user has installed MetaMask:
// Check function if MetaMask is installed
const isMetaMaskInstalled = () => {
const { ethereum } = window;
return Boolean(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask);
  1. In this tutorial, we'll help you implement a simple button that user can click on and connect their wallet. After clicking, the function handleOnClick in the component connectButton sends a request to MetaMask and, if successful, alerts the user's corresponding wallet address:
const handleOnClick = async () => {
if (isMetaMaskInstalled()) {
// Request to connect to MetaMask
try {
const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",
alert(`Connected with: ${accounts[0]}`);
} catch (error) {
} else {
alert("Please install MetaMask.");
  1. Finish up our code by assigning the function handleOnClick to the handler onClick on the button:
<button className="connectButton" onClick={handleOnClick}>
Connect wallet

Your connectButton component is completed! Now, users can connect to your application using MetaMask.

Create a follow button

After connecting with MetaMask, you'll be able to help users connect with each other.

Connect Wallet GIF

  1. To start, import CyberConnect, Env, and Blockchain into your application from the CyberConnect SDK:
import CyberConnect, { Env, Blockchain } from "@cyberlab/cyberconnect";
  1. Before creating a connection, you'll need to instantiate a CyberConnect object and initialize variables namespace, env, chain and provider:
const cyberConnect = new CyberConnect({
namespace: "CyberConnect",
chain: Blockchain.ETH,
provider: window.ethereum,
  1. In this tutorial, we'll help you implement a simple button that user can click on and follow another user. After clicking, the function handleOnClick in the component followButton sends a request to MetaMask and, if successful, alerts the user's corresponding wallet address.
const handleOnClick = async () => {
// Prompt to enter the address
const address = prompt("Enter the ens/address to follow:");

try {
await cyberConnect.connect(address);
alert(`Success: you're following ${address}!`);
} catch (error) {
  1. Finish up our code by assigning the function handleOnClick to the handler onClick on the button:
<button className="followButton" onClick={handleOnClick}>
Follow address

Your followButton component is completed! Now, your users can connect with each other on the Ethereum network. For more advanced features, learn more about the CyberConnect JS SDK.


Check out the entire code from the tutorial and play around with it in the sandbox below!

Congrats 🎉 You're ready to move on to the next step: implementing the CyberConnect Social Verifier.

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